Debate- Government side

12 Jan

This house believes that immigration is bad for Korea.

Korea is now changing into multiculturalism country. The best example showing Korea is changing is the borderless village in Wongok-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. According to the Kyunghyang Shimun, in 2011, now, the immigrations are seemed to be 1.4 million and in Ansan, there are 40 thousand immigrats from 62 countries. Especially, in Wongok-dong, there are Chinese, Vietnam, Indonesians, Bangladeshi, Thais, Filipinos, and so on. Most of them are working on small companys which have less than 100 workers, which mean they are low income workers.

This was an brief introduction facts that show us how many immigrants are in Korea. Now, I’ll rebut the government side. Their first  argument was…..

Also, during the opposition side’s rebuttal, they said …. but it’s not true because…..

  Our team’s argument is first, there are some cultural problems. Other countries’ cloth, food, language and all of the cultural things can cause problems. For example, even though there is Korean language ‘어묵’, many people are using ‘오뎅’. Also, if there are too many restarunts by immigrations, the Korean resteraunt will decrease or gone. Second, immigrants who are temporary workers bring decrease in economy of Korea. It needs money to train workers properly. Also, in long term, temporar workers bring low productivity. Finally, many illegal immigrants cause some problems. They create illegality culture. They use resources without contributing to our country. Also, the possibility is high to commit crime.


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